11 April 2011

Saya boleh kata tidak Anwar - Mursyidul Am

Tuan guru jawap isu fitnah.."Kalau tak dibalas atas muka dunia akan Allah balas di Akhirat"


Anonymous said...

Kepada seluruh Malaysian yang dihormati;
Bahawa Chairman Gombak MCA (Malaysia Chinese Association, YIP KUM FOOK menguna kuasa politiknya menipu wang kami di Taman Daya, Kepong(memohon gerai), merosakkan keluarga orang lain, import wanita dari China(dangin hidup)………….

Sekira tuan-tuan dan puan-puan tidak percayai atas kejahatannya bolih bertanya orang tempatan di Taman Daya, kepong.

Chairman MCA Gombak (Malaysia Chinese Association), YIP KUM FOOK “U” buat Dosa “U” tetap akan menimpa kesusahan tidak lama lagi. TUHAN ADA MATA.

Respected throughout the Malaysian;
That the Chairman Gombak MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association, YIP KUM FOOK used political power cheated our money at Taman Daya, Kepong (applying stalls), hurt people’s family, imports women from China (living meat) .............

If ladies and gentlemen do not trust the evil, can ask local people at Taman Daya, kepong.

Chairman Gombak MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association), YIP KUM FOOK "U" created of sin "U" will override trouble Unallocated fixed soon. GOD HAS EYES.

Chairman Gombak MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association, YIP KUM FOOK(叶金福用政治权力,在Taman Daya,甲洞(申请摊位)骗我们的钱,伤害别人的家庭,从中国进口妇女 买卖色情业务...... ....


Chairman Gombak MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association, YIP KUM FOOK (叶金福),叶金福 “您” 将面对因果报应。老天有眼。

主办单位: MCA Selayang..

Anonymous said...

MCA Youth chief Gombak Yip Jiun Hann
"U" Your father YIP KUM FOOK do evil, cheated money, deceit WOMEN, family confuses others, eat Temple money ............. Temple crowd are very angry.
"U" should advise your father to do good things but with sadly "U" try to put bad name of our PM Najib Tun Razak and MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek , why people did not question it?
"U" was rude, as head of MCA Youth leader should honour and respect our leaders, not try to destroy our leaders and make bad name of Malaysia.
If "U" does not like Malaysia, the better "U" and your father can out of this Country.
We expect our leaders to take action on him. So that the good name of Malaysia can be defended.

Thank you,
People Who Love Malaysia

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