12 April 2009

Elizabeth Wong, Come Back To Do Your Works.

Residents Of Bukit Lanjan want Elizabeth Wong to come back and continue to work.


Anonymous said...

NOPE. I think Eli Wong should resign and EC call for new election. A tainted person is not suitable to be a public person. It is alright if Eli Wong is a non public person. PR should not send wrong message to the public that as long as you are popular and can work, it is OK to be sending wrong message to the public and younger generation.

Anonymous said...

Tainted with what?

Anonymous said...

Ya, tainted with what, stupid???

You mean when u r caught with your girl frd or boy frd or your spouse having passionate affairs in your room and someone took your pic and publicise it, so, you are TAINTED?

Is that what u mean tainted?

U mean if u r not caught u r not tained, idiot?

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