04 October 2008

Akhirnya Najib vs Muhyiddin untuk Presiden Umno - Malaysiakini

Naib Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam menawarkan diri untuk bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden pada pemilihan parti Mac depan.

“Saya sedia bertanding sekiranya ada kekosongan jawatan timbalan presiden parti, saya menawarkan diri (bertanding jawatan itu),” katanya di sini hari ini.

Pengumuman Mohd Ali hari ini, meletakkan beliau sebagai pemimpin kedua, selepas Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang menyatakan hasratnya bertanding Timbalan Presiden Umno pada pemilihan Mac depan.

Manakala Tan Sri Musa Hitam meramalkan Keputusan Majlis Tertinggi (MT) Umno minggu lalu menangguhkan perhimpunan agung tahunan dan pemilihan sehingga Mac depan dilihat sebagai petanda Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan kali ini.

“Jika saya tidak silap, ini menunjukkan bahawa Presiden (Umno) tiada hasrat untuk mempertahankan jawatan beliau,” katanya yang juga bekas Timbalan Presiden Umno.

Manakala Tan Sri Muhyiddin pula akan mengisytiharkan bertanding mana-mana jawatan selepas Datuk Seri Abdullah mengisytiharkan kedudukannya.Apa makna ini semua, saya meramalkan Pak Lah akan berhenti sebagai Presiden Umno dan juga Perdana Menteri dan menyerahkan kepada perwakilan yang dijadualkan Mac 2009 untuk memilih Presiden.

Manakala Najib akan bertanding jawatan Presiden Umno dan lawannya dijangka Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah atau Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Mungkin ramai tertanya-tanya kenapa demikian rupanya. Kenapa Muhyiddin perlu menunggu Pak Lah menyatakan pendirian terlebih dahulu? Tidak seperti apa yang dilakukan Datuk Zahidi Hamidi yang berani mencalonkan dirinya bertanding Timbalan Presiden Umno.

Sifirnya mudah saja, bagi saya Jika Pak Lah mengumumkan mengekalkan jawatan Presiden, Muhyiddin akan memberi laluan kepada Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah untuk lawan Pak Lah sebagai Presiden Umno. Akhirnya jika Pak Lah undur diri maka Muhyiddin akan bertanding menentang Najib bagi jawatan Presiden. - jiwokelate


Anonymous said...

Long ago, there was a country in Europe that carried out propaganda to brainwash its citizens that they were supreme to others and therefore they had to conquer and rule other countries. And then there was a country in Asia that kept telling its citizens from young that if they want to have the resources in the world, then they must be prepared to fight and rule the other countries. The two countries since then had brought untold misery to the world.
In our country, those political parties that survive based on race politics will keep on telling the people the importance in protecting their race and religion. They even have programs like the BTN to brainwash the people from young as well as the civil servants about the need to propagate the racial thinking in all fields and their ketuanan towards others. They will tell the people that they will champion the interest of their race above all. Without their protection, the people will not survive in the open. So the people must give them the full support to propagate such ideology. Just like that two dangerous countries, these political parties are doing the same to fortify their political foundation, but in doing so, they are bringing this country to a catastrophic end in the future. Their continuing action to segregate the communities in this country is doing untold damages to the wellbeing of the nation who needs its citizens to be united to meet the global challenges it faces today. Unfortunately these communal political souls only care for their own survival in the present and will never venture out of their propaganda game for the best interest of the nation and its citizens. Divide and rule will be their continuing battle call while the country moves in its peril.

telur dua said...

Muhiyddin OK.

Zahid mengkhianati DSAI masa dia Timbalan Ketua Belia UMNO. Seorang 'lalang' dan tak berprinsip.

Ali Rustam seorang pengecut dan 'tin kosong.' Dia melayan kucing nya lebih baik dari party komponen BN, ia itu PPP.

Kalau UMNO serious nak berubah, pilih lah Muhyddin (Timbalan) dan Ku Li (President).

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