Ustazah Nuridah Mohd Salleh menegaskan perkara yang menimpa Elizabeth itu menjelaskan, BN sebenarnya tidak mampu untuk menerima kekalahan mereka dalam pilihan raya di mana-mana negeri.
Beliau berkata, pimpinan BN akan cuba sedaya upaya mencari berbagai cara untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di mana-mana.
"Saya mewakili Dewan Muslimat PAS Pusat berharap seluruh kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat akan terus bersiap sedia kerana mungkin banyak lagi akan mereka lakukan terhadap kita," katanya yang terharu dengan kejadian menimpa Elizabeth.
Beliau yang mengenali Elizabeth dan sama-sama berada dalam Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA amat menghormati keputusan dan menyerahkan kepada pucuk pimpinan parti KeADILan untuk menentukan sikap seterusnya.
"Saya berharap rakyat akan terus memberikan sokongan yang padu sehingga Umno-BN tumbang daripada menjadi pemerintah negara," tegasnya.
Tambah Nuridah, BN sudah terlalu lama dan mereka sebenarnya sudah tidak berupaya untuk meneruskan agenda rakyat sebab itu mereka melakukan apa cara bagi memastikan harapan berterusan.
I have just seen Elizabeth's photos at
I just cannot find anything wrong with those photos.
The photos did not showed her in the nude.
It just showed her exposing her panties in the privacy of her home.
She was fully cloth. What is the fuss about ?
I use to laz around in my own home with just my underwear on. Is it wrong for me to do so in the privacy of my own home ?
I think there must be some UMNO idiots out there just want to cause
trouble to her.
Don't worry, the Bkt. Lanjan by-election will be won by PKR again because the people knows what to do.
yeah..nothing wrong about that, but u Ms Stupid, don't u simply accuse the oppose party to be responsibled for that pic. watch out ha, when u wrote umno, it has something to do with Malay, instead why didn't u wrote BN, or frm the DAP itself, or PR?? if u know PKR will win, then obviously the new ADUN could be the one who did that! typical chinese, so evil, always envy to malay,always thought u ppl are the best, but so pathetic u ppl has no morale. come to malaya, live here lavishly, but never satisfied..u ppl always try to take whatever we have here. Greedy!!
To Anonymous (put you name lah..be a JANTAN)...If nothing wrong, why worried? Why have to resign or quit from post.
This is personal matters. Why blame other peoples (BN/UMNO/Government)? Please use your brain lah..I think these people are trying to say that, nothing is wrong, she is very good person, she is very hard working and she is very innocent. So, don't blame her.
If people have this type of thinking, then she will be happy because whatever bad things she does, people don't believe that.
If she vacate the post of ADUN Bukit Lanjan, don't be so confident that PKR will win again. OK..As you said, people knows what to do...
Shy and shamed on PKR and PR...Ajar anak ketam jalan betul...
Kalau nak menulis dalam bahasa Inggris pastikan bahasa anda betul, janganlah memalukan diri. Kalau tidak, tulis sahaja dalam bahasa Malaysia.
"Typical Chinese, so evil." Adakah bangsa yang saudara rasakan semua orangnya baik, bermoral, rajin, amanah?
fokus saja tentang isu yang dibangkitkan.Mengapa mesti ambil kesempatan untuk menghina kaum lain? Bukan kaum yang menentukan hina atau mulia, tetapi akhlak dan pegangan hidup.
"typical chinese, so evil, always envy to malay,always thought u ppl are the best, but so pathetic u ppl has no morale. come to malaya, live here lavishly, but never satisfied..u ppl always try to take whatever we have here. Greedy!!" (sic)
I assume you are a Malay. The shame is on you, that is, YOU as a person. Fortunately, you do not represent most Malays.
You have no standing to comment an the morality of others, based on how you wrote your piece.
I'd hazard a guess that you are the lazy Malay-type who envy the successes of others, but is unwilling to put in the effort to seek your own success.
And given half the chance, would be a very greedy bugger indeed.
By the way, I am a Malay.
waH CAYA LA ORG PAS..dulu haram bekerja same dgn org bukan islam..HARAM(kata tok guru).. skrg bole pulak bakeup org ni..dulu mase org bn pasal vid sex tu korg kecoh..suro letak jawatan,blabla..sikalang dah jd kat korg tau pulak nk bakeup dier ek..xde pulak suro dier letak jawatan?nape cmni pulak?ni la org pas..haram bg org bn,halal bg org pr..org kuat agama la katekan(konon je tu)
"Ustazah Nuridah Mohd Salleh menegaskan perkara yang menimpa Elizabeth itu menjelaskan, BN sebenarnya tidak mampu untuk menerima kekalahan mereka dalam pilihan raya di mana-mana negeri"
hahaha..org pr dari dulu nk memerintah xdpt..dok tunggu 19 sept xjd2..klaka btol..perangai ustzh an ustaz serta tok guru yg kuat berprasangka buruk tanpa ada bukti yg kuat serta kukuh,sgt memalukan..ni ke contoh anak2 muda perlu ikut..lu pk la sndri..
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