01 October 2008

Jeff Ooi : Amar makruf nahi mungkar - Malaysiakini

This Ramadan has been rather fulfilling... that as an individual you can still do good if you want to.

  • Used my own money, and government allocation through state assemblymen in my constituency (NB: I don't get any federal allocation being an Opposition MP), as giving of zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, to benefit single mothers, the invalid and the hardcore poor.
  • Used my position as a member of parliament to instruct IWK and KTAK-WWE consortiumRozali Ismail of Syabas, again) which operates the humongous Jelutong sewage treatment and central sludge facilities, to stop spilling unprocessed sewer with floating faeces into the 60-family Malay squatter areas near Mutiara Height in East Jelutong. I will see their bosses in my office on October 10. The problems first surfaced in 2004, after Abdullah Badawi became the Prime Minister of this country. (Yes, that infamous
  • Spent time with my constituents around the neighbourhoods of Jalan P. Ramlee, Jalan Sungai Pinang, Kampung Makam, Kebun Lama etc, distributing food rations to my Malay brethren when they were flooded again on raya eve.

    Image downloaded from Kwong Wah e-Newspaper

    I will still partner the state government to ask for the RM127 million federal allocation needed to mitigate the flood problems in this Caunter Hall abyss that BN failed to resolve in the last 51 years. This has been their fifth floods in two months since I became their MP (and god knows how many they had had in the past five decades before me), and I regret that they had to use the boat -- for the first time in real floods -- that I donated on behalf of my Malay supporters in Bukit Dumbar, East Jelutong.

  • Used my position as a Blogger-Parliamentarian -- within and outside Malaysia -- to continue pressuring the BN government to release Raja Petra Kamarudin and the Hindraf 5, and other ISA detainees throughout Ramadan. The job is not done until ISA is abolished in this country.

The notion of amar makruf nahi mungkar guides us to do the permissible and do none of the condemned. I hope everyone can practise the spirit at some point in time in this lifetime.

Salam aidil fitri to all my Malaysian brothers and sisters. Maaf zahir batin. Selamat menyambut bulan Syawal. May He give us strength, and guide us to soldier on. - jeffooi.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today our minister is enjoying his hari raya at his best luxury. I wonder whether he has any conscience towards the suffering of the people he has placed under ISA detention. If the spirit of this holy season is to forgive and forget, it definitely is not showing by the minister and the ruling party in the government, eventhough they are muslims! Can he and the ruling party ask themselves whether they really believe that these people are capable of threatening the security of the country and overthrow the government? If they think that these people can instigate unrest, how about letting the citizen of this country to have a say about such presumption? The minister and the ruling party always like to claim to have the majority support in their action but the truth is they may not even have the majority suppot of their own members within the party to act in such an uncaring and unforgiving manner. If the minister and the ruling party do have some decent human character, the least thing they can do is to free those under ISA detention without trial and allow them to face the proper court of law in this country. Is it that difficult to do the honourable thing as a human being towards another?

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