30 July 2008

'Tiada sebab fitnah, aniaya Anwar' - Malaysiakini

Mohd Saiful Azlan Bukhari hari ini mengeluarkan kenyataan bertulisan tangan melalui seorang peguamnya di sebuah hotel besar di Kuala Lumpur.
Dalam kenyataan ringkas yang diedarkan oleh Zamri Idrus, bekas pembantu penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim itu berkata beliau "tiada sebab untuk menfitnah dan menganiaya Anwar dalam kes ini.
" Pemuda itu juga menggesa Anwar agar tidak banyak berdolak-dalik.
Mohd Saiful berkata beliau sedang menunggu siasatan polis terhadap Anwar selesai. Sumber.
Interview with the Deputy Inspector-General of Police
Thestaronline: Tan Sri Ismail Omar explains about the medical report leaked on the Internet and the progress in the investigations of the sodomy case involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.


Unknown said...

Now, heres what i dont understand. If UMNO were really sincere, why dont they offer to merge with PAS in the states where they control! and give up the Mentri Besar-ship to PAS. Say in Johor, Negri, Trengganu , Melaka or Pahang?

Why does it have to be in states held by Pakatan? states like Perak and Selangor ??? Why? Why??? Why??? Why???

You can tell here its because they want to create a backdoor opening back into power, PAS should ask those UMNO dogs to join up first in those states and ask UMNO dogs to give them the Mentri Besar post and see what happens……those UMNO dogs will laugh in their faces!!!!!

they will never give up their own states, wake UP PAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i find it strange that why didn't he make a polis report first before going to the hospital for body check?

surely you want to report the guy who rape you first...

Anonymous said...

It is strange that the Pusrawi management can issue a statement saying that the examination is not sodomy related. Surely the doctor can only check for evidence of forced penetration like bleeding, tearing, etc. i. e. look for factual evidence. It is not the doctor's job to find the cause of the damage. Thats the Police's job. But if there is no damage, then, the answer should be pretty clear!

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